Before we start with the plan it is important to go over some of the main ideas that have to be included as theoretical framework in it.
• Web 2.0 Tools: This is the name given to online resources that allow user to share, create and interact with content. They are called 2.0 because web 1.0 tools only allowed for reading without any kind of enhancement. They are especially useful in education due to how easy they are to use and how much they can enhance a lesson by providing students with powerful new technologies.
• 21st Century Skills: This refers to the main competences necessary that are needed to develop oneself in the 21st century. The core one are: COLLABORATION, COMMUNICATION, CREATIVITY and CRITICAL THINKING.
• Active Learning: In this approach students are active participants of their own education, which helps them learn in a better way. Knowledge has to be put int action with interactive activities in which mistakes are an expected part of the learning process. Active learning greatly benefits from technology and web 2.0 tools, but it has to be planned carefully beforehand.
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